Commonly Asked Questions About Tree Removal Service on a Property

Mature trees on a property create a relaxing atmosphere and beautiful view, so much so that they may even increase property values. Trees can also be important for avoiding soil erosion, as their roots keep water and moisture in the ground. However, trees can become diseased or damaged or may simply be in the way of a new outbuilding so that they need to be removed. Whatever the reason for wanting a tree removed from your property, note a few commonly asked questions about this service and then discuss these with a landscaper if you still need more information.

Can the wood be used for firewood or other projects?

If the tree is being removed because it's diseased or infested with pests, the wood collected should be destroyed. A diseased tree may give off harmful emissions when burned in a fireplace, and pests that have infested firewood can easily make their way to other trees or even infest your home.

However, if a tree being removed is healthy, it can often be salvaged and cut for firewood. You may also be able to use it for other projects, but always check if it's too dry or has collected so much moisture over the years that the wood has actually become weakened. Older wood may not be strong enough for framework, shelving, and other such projects, so while it can be salvaged, you may simply need to exercise caution about how it's reused.

Why does the soil need treatment after a tree is removed?

A tree removal service or landscaper may tell you that the soil should be treated after the tree is removed, and this is usually done to help keep the soil compact. Those tree roots keep moisture in place, as mentioned above, and this helps keep soil firm. Once those roots are removed, that soil may become loose and  crumbly and too weak for an outbuilding, and a sinkhole may even form. Adding lime or clay can often keep the soil compacted after a tree removal.

Can a tree be relocated?

In some cases, you can have the tree relocated to another area of the property; however, you need to consider more than just the view when deciding where to replant that tree. Remember that tree roots can easily wrap themselves around plumbing pipes or a home's foundation, causing these materials to crack. A tree removal service or landscaper may need to work with you to choose a safe location for that tree, so that it's not too close to underground pipes or any building on your property.
